Kids School Lunch Sandwich Ideas

Coming up with fun and interesting sandwich ideas for kids can be frustrating to parents especially for families living in the fast lane. Boredom easily sets in when kids are forced to eat the same sandwich day in and day out, plus kids and parents have different ideas on what’s healthy and what’s not. The key to a great kid sandwich is to think like a kid and try to remember what you would have liked on a sandwich as a kid. Here are a few sandwich ideas to help accommodate your kid while still providing proper nutrition.

Parmesan Bow Tie Pasta

My family loves this dish and best of all I love how easy and cheap it is. I’m not sure why but even though this recipe germinated in my brain for quite some time I didn’t actually start feeding it to my family until 2 years after I came up with it.

If you’d like a healthier version of this dish try using whole grain bow tie pasta as an alternative.

When Did High School Become a P0rn Convention?

Yeah I know high school has changed since I was a teenager some zillion years ago (according to my son, harumph!) BUT…

I don’t remember the kids at school wearing so little. Okay, I don’t remember the girls wearing so little I should say.

A couple of weeks ago I escorted my youngest ankle biter to her high school roundup to get her class schedule, books and locker. I thought I was hip. My kid’s friends tell me I’m the cool, young mom. Now however, I’m afraid to admit I might not be as cool as they think I am; not after seeing the current generation of teenage girls anyway.

Spanking Didn’t Kill Me. Is Spanking a Positive Parenting Strategy?

I came across an article recently about alternatives to spanking at the positive parenting website and as soon as I read the title I was flooded with memories of spankings received

When I was growing up my parents believed in whoopin’s. I never even knew it was called spanking until I was in my teens. I remember back when I was about 10 or so getting my butt whooped while on vacation back east.

My mother had the knack for tearing up my backside, as she called it. She could find the skinniest, flimsiest tree branch and strip the bark and leaves in mere seconds. I learned from her that there is technique in

Pledge Pet Hair Fabric Sweeper

In my quest to free my house from the pet hair blanket I picked up this little gadget by Pledge called the Fabric Sweeper for Pet Hair. I was a skeptic at first because I normally keep a few sticky paper rollers around the house and I have tried and exhausted all other methods.

I could not believe how easily the Pledge Pet Hair Fabric Sweeper removed all that hair. I went around and did the whole house. Amazing. I no longer have to lay a sheet over my comforter anymore. Several times a day I do a quick swipe with the fabric sweeper and pick up any accumulated hair.

Marriage Humor, Newlywed Fights

Every marriage has fights and every marriage has fights in it that get started for near to no reasons. Newlyweds in particular are prone to fighting over the smallest things.

Part of the problem, I believe is that newlyweds are often in shock once they begin to live together as a married couple. Even if they were living together before they exchanged vows there’s some level of shock.

Let me share this newlywed fight with you as an example.

Easy Fried Rice Recipe

Funny Story about my rice – when I was a kid I hated the stuff. There wasn’t enough money in the world for me to eat rice. To my youthful mind it looked like maggots and there was no way in hell I was putting that in my mouth.

I was in my early twenties when I first sampled this fine cuisine and lo and behold I loved it. Ok well I loved it because it had bacon in it and if there’s one thing I DO love it’s bacon.

Eventually after much experimentation I came up with a rice concotion that I enjoy and my family enjoys. In fact my family loves this recipe so much that I can’t keep it as leftovers in my fridge.

Sodium Lauryl Sulphate Health Warning

Sodium Lauryl Sulphate is a chemical compound used in the manufacturing of detergents. It is made from a combination of sulfuric acids, monododecyl ester and sodium. It is what creates the lathering, foaming effect in detergents, shampoos, toothpastes, garage floor cleaner, engine degreaser, bubble bath, acne cleanser, facial cream, hemmorhoid cream, contact cleaner, insect

Switching to a Greener, Organic, All Natural Lifestyle

After having surgery for severe allergies, my husband’s doctor encouraged us to switch to a greener, organic, all natural lifestyle. It ain’t easy being green. That’s what Kermit the Frog used to say all the time and I used to agree with him but now after making the switch I’ve learned it ain’t so hard after all. Here’s a few things I did to make the switch more convenient.